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Wheaton, IL Contract Drafting & Review Lawyer

Attentive Business Law Attorney Helping Corporations Sign Reliable Contracts in DuPage County, IL

Every company needs to know that it can rely on the contracts it enters into. The entire business world would quickly collapse if contracts could not be trusted or enforced. As a business owner, you will enter into contracts starting during the business formation process. However, not all contracts are written in a way that makes them enforceable or reliable. Some contracts contain clauses that are illegal and cannot be enforced in court - overly restrictive non-compete clauses in employment contracts are a common example. Other contracts contain sneaky fine print that can easily confuse even a very savvy small business owner, creating a situation where your interests are not as protected as you believe they are. For these reasons alone, it is essential to have an attorney who is experienced in business law review any contracts another business offers yours and draft any contracts your company will be offering others.

The McCormick Law Firm, LLC is highly experienced in helping business owners make informed decisions about what language to include in their own contracts and whether to sign a contract offered by another party. Our attorneys will carefully review all the language of any contract you are provided with so that you understand exactly what your rights and obligations will be. When your company needs a contract drafted, we will take the time to understand what you need from this contract so that we can make sure your interests are well-protected. We will do all we can to make sure that there are never any surprises regarding a contract you have entered into.

Drafting Employment Contracts

One of the most important contracts any company uses are its employment contracts. Unless you are running a very small company you can do everything for yourself, you will rely on your employees every day. This means that you need to establish the right employment contract. A strong employment contract:

  • Clearly spells out the job duties and responsibilities of each employee.
  • States your company's policies regarding things like drug testing, attendance, and any other rules employees must be aware of.
  • Has the strongest non-compete clause possible without being unenforceable. Non-compete clauses may be unenforceable if they would prevent the employee from working in his or her field entirely should he or she leave the company or be fired.
  • Clarifies the term of employment, especially if you are hiring temporary or seasonal workers.
  • Plainly states how and how much the employee will be compensated. For example, the contract should specify whether an employee will be salaried or paid hourly.

Missing an important piece of information in an employment contract can cause substantial problems if there is a dispute later.

Contracts With Other Businesses or Clients

No matter what type of business you run, you will likely be using a lot of different contracts between your company, your vendors, and your customers. Many contracts look simple at first, but can become highly complex the moment something does not go as planned. For example, say you are running a craft store. You want a yarn wholesaler to deliver a certain amount of product every week. This may seem too simple of an agreement to bring to your attorney, but what happens if the wholesaler runs out of the type of yarn you want? What happens if a delivery is late, or if you are not selling nearly as much yarn as you expected to? Most of these questions are likely answered in the contract your wholesaler brought you.

An attorney will review the entire contract to help you understand what happens in contingency situations, what happens if you need to cancel a contract, or what happens if you close your company entirely.

Real Estate Contracts

If your company will have any real estate dealings, an attorney should be involved. Even if you are only leasing a small commercial space, it is important to have an attorney make sure that the lease allows you to use the space for your intended purpose. If you are buying or selling real estate, an attorney should always oversee this transaction.

Contact a DuPage County, IL Contract Drafting & Review Attorney

The McCormick Law Firm, LLC is dedicated to helping business owners feel confident in the contracts they sign. Our experienced and strategic Wheaton, IL business law attorneys will be extremely thorough in drafting or reviewing your business contacts. Contact us at 630-517-8570 for a complimentary consultation.

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